Hello my name Michelle England and I am the Branch Secretary of UNISON Pennine Care Branch, I have been in post since the Annual General Meeting in 2014. I have worked for Pennine Care since our TUPE into the organisation in April 2013. I am also one of the Partnership Officer’s within Pennine Care. I am also currently chair of the North West UNISON Regional Healthcare committee.
Our Branch chair is Tammy Graham
We are always looking for members to become involved in our branch, as a steward, learning rep, communications rep and many other roles. If you are interested in becoming more involved in Pennine Care UNISON branch please contact me on Michelle.england@nhs.net.
Our AGM information has been sent out to members and will be held on the
8th March 1.30-2.30 – Councilor lane, Stockport ( refreshments provided)
13th March 12.30 – 1.30 – BMO, Birch hill ( lunch provided)
16th March 4-5pm( £7 costa voucher for each member attending)
Register in advance for this meeting:
There will also be a free raffle for members attending each of our AGMS