Have your say on the Annual Leave enhancement payment proposals

UNISON has recently raised the issue of how unsocial hours enhancements are paid during periods of annual leave with your employer, Pennine Care NHS Foundation Trust.

Your Agenda for Change terms and conditions state that when a member of staff takes annual leave, they should be paid unsocial hours enhancements based on their working pattern over the previous 13 weeks. However, we have evidence that this has not been put in practice consistently in all areas of the Trust, which means that many staff may be losing out on pay which they are contractually entitled to.

Due to it being impossible for Pennine Care to work out the exact figures involved for each member of staff and calculate annual leave payments on the basis of the 13 week rule, your employer have put forward proposals to us and other staff side unions to pay a 12.5% enhancement to staff’s unsocial hours payments throughout the year to make up for the shortfall. Staff would be paid their basic rate of pay during periods of annual leave, but the intention is that this would be offset by the value of the enhancements paid throughout the year – e.g an additional 12.5% added to the value of all unsocial hours payments made.

Our evidence suggests that these proposals represent a significant improvement, and that the vast majority of staff would be financially better off if they were to be put in place. However we’re keen to know what our members think before we negotiate any agreement.

Please click here to download the proposals in PDF format

Please click here if you believe you may be entitled to a back pay claim for lost earning due to incorrect calculation of your enhancement payments during annual leave.

Please complete the form below to leave your feedback on the proposals:

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Do you think that proposal 3 in the consultation document (WTD Payment), whereby 12.5% is added to all unsocial hours enhancements paid throughout the year and you receive basic rate for actual annual leave taken, should be implemented?

If you do not believe that this proposal should be implemented, what arrangement is in place where you work at the moment which you believe to be more beneficial financially?

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