Request campaign materials for your workplace

If you’ve not seen any campaign materials in your workplace yet, you could play a vital role in helping us get out the message of this campaign. Remember not everyone has internet access, and it’s important we get materials out there to all staff in as many Pennine Care workplaces as possible so that we can make our case as representative as we possibly can.

Please take a few seconds to fill in your details below and we’ll send some workplace surveys and publicity across to you straight away, free of charge.

Your Name (required)

Your Email (required)

Your Contact Telephone Number (required)

Delivery Address (required)

Your Workplace(required)

How many people work there?

(optional) As well as sending me materials, please add me to the UNISON Pennine Care E-mail News List 

(optional)Please also send me some information about becoming a UNISON workplace Health and Safety Representative 

Please enter the characters below before submitting the form (spam protection)
